Hebron High School Theatre Boosters

We are the parents, guardians, supporters and fans of the Hebron Theatre Company.  We support the students and Directors in every way we can.  We support each other, too!  We are commonly known as HHSTB.

  • We meet once a month from 6:15-7:15pm in our new Black Box Theatre on the main campus.
  • We have Officers and a Board (President, 1st VP – Fundraising, 2nd VP – Publicity, Secretary, Treasurer, Hospitality, Concessions, Good Show Gifts, Volunteers, Meals and Ticket Sales). We have bylaws, and we operate under Robert’s Rules of Order.
  • The Directors have a school budget. That, combined with our Company Fees and Booster fundraising budget allows our Directors to put on 5-10 shows/showcases each year. This covers everything from the rights to each script, to sets, lighting and costumes, etc.
  • We also manage a separate budget for the school-wide musical each year.
  • We fundraise through a variety of activities.
  • We participate in the Squad Funds fundraiser at the beginning of each year. This requires no selling of any sort. Your student needs 20 email addresses – aunts, uncles, grandparents, friends, etc.  During class, they send out an email through Squad Funds that explains the needs of our department.  Squad Funds collects the money, and we get a check.  It’s that easy!
  • We offer local businesses the opportunity to partner with Hebron Theatre Company and become a sponsor.
  • We host Spirit Nights regularly at local restaurants for a percentage of the HHSTB proceeds.
  • We have car washes during the warm months.
  • We sell car decals and yard signs to any and everyone.
  • We sell tamales.
  • We offer Swag (or Spirit Wear as other, less fun clubs call it.)
  • We provide publicity for each show and support our Thespian Troupe's publicity efforts throughout the year.
  • We print the show posters.
  • We have a Facebook page: Hebron Theatre 
  • Twitter: @hebrontheatre (run by our Thespians)
  • Instagram: hawktheatreco (run by our Thespians)
  • We organize volunteers to help with each show of each production.
  • We sell tickets at the event.
  • We sell concessions (candy, chips, soft drinks, water, etc.) that are donated by HHSTB families.
  • We sell good show gifts (GSG) that are specially created for each show by our GSG Team.
  • We offer ushering help for those who need it.
  • We host a red-carpet event for the musical.
  • We feed our actors, techies and directors during each show’s tech week and some performances.
  • We provide funds for a Homecoming Parade and the cast/crew party for the musical.
  • We support our Thespians (Troupe #6069).
  • We host an end-of-the year awards ceremony and banquet where we hand out awards and scholarships..

Once you pay your student's Company Fees you are a member of HHSTB!


Our Board is made up of fun-loving individuals working together for a common goal. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership for the 2024-25 school year. Get to know their names, and feel free to contact them if you have questions.


Interested in open board or committee positions highlighted in yellow?Contact us!

  • President - Tony Smith
  • 1st VP Fundraising - Jennifer Lane  
  • 2nd VP Publicity - Anna Hamm  
  • Secretary - Brandie Koch 
  • Treasurer - Beckye Brown 
  • Treasurer Helper - OPEN
  • Concessions Chairman - Kari Unterbug 
  • Concessions Co-Chair - OPEN 
  • Concessions Co-Chair - OPEN 
  • Good Show Gifts Chairman - OPEN
  • Good Show Gifts Helper - OPEN
  • Good Show Gifts Helper - Justine Sy
  • Hospitality Chairman - OPEN
  • Meals Chairman - OPEN
  • Meals Co-Chair - OPEN
  • Ticket Chairman - Michelle Seale
  • Ticket Co-Chair - OPEN
  • Volunteer Chairman - Calaye Saunders  


Booster Meeting dates for 2024-25 at 6:15pm in the HHS Black Box Theatre

  • Thursday, August 29, 2024
  • Thursday, October 3, 2024
  • Thursday, November 7, 2024
  • Thursday, February 6, 2025
  • Thursday, March 6, 2025
  • Thursday, April 3, 2025
  • Thursday, May 15, 2025 - final meeting for the year - vote on new officers and next year's budget